Thursday, November 10, 2011

2nd Level? Ding! Going up.

I haven't been feeling well this week, so I'm not as witty and fun as I normally am.  Ok, perhaps I'm being sarcastic by saying that, which makes me witty... so there ya go... the cough can't steal my awesomeness.

Anywhooo.. the house.  Two days went by with nothing being done because of rain.  It hurt, but finally.. back at it.  The garage has walls now and you can see the roof starting to form.

Here's our garage, you can't really tell... but its a lot bigger than I thought it would turn out.  Phew.

The second floor joists are going on.

Inside looking out in the garage.

The second floor goes out over the first floor over the office, which is Riley's room.  This is where they are getting ready for that.  It was supposed to be a bay window below, but we nixed it due to cash... not enough of it, that is.  =)

So, very exciting!  Jim said they will work Friday-Sunday to try and catch up.  Again, I don't want to sound pessimistic, but he hasn't really worked a weekend yet.  I'm hoping this time it's true!

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